Testing Has Been Done

It is an exciting time indeed. Our new organization is putting out a new eBook. With the success of our prior magic eBook within the first 2 days being the leading publication in sales, we are now reaching out to an audience in the non conjuring world. The offering is for those who wish to make a difference in their business or their own self promotion. This is shown via marketing techniques we have used and tested ourselves, that have been proven to work.

eBook Delivery

Although the actual distribution process is still in the works, we are meanwhile working hard to ensure that our eBook be as successful as possible. The way we are helping to make this happen is through the development of a platform that will both do market research (in terms of the things that our future customers need) as well will deliver the written work to the user making the purchase.

Details to Come

We can’t get into the detail about this yet but will alert you of the online sales process once it has begun.