We recently told you about the new website NYC Create. NYC Create helps artists. Here’s how. NYC Create assists artists of all kinds – including musicians, writers, filmmakers etc. – in promoting themselves, building their audience and ultimately monetizing their art. The artist of today also needs to be a business person, hence the term artisticpreneur. When you become an artisticpreneur you can get results for your creative career. The artist of today doesn’t have the luxury of not exploring the entrepreneurial aspect of her or his craft. Plus, for an artist to be most effective as a member of society she or he should consider making a difference in her or his community and around the world. And speaking of making a difference, the Platinum PIAs Community Awards Show for Artists (making a difference in their communities) recently announced their winners for this year. This year is the first time in Platinum PIAs history that the awards show was done internet-only rather than doing it live in venues such as De Niro’s Tribeca Screening Room and the Downtown Community Television Center. For more details check out NYC Create.