AI Do Good or Human Do Good with Story?

Story is powerful. Humans have told humans stories since ancient times. Gathering around the fire to share tales, either make believe ones about magical things or a sharing of the day’s life and work. We as human beings relate to story because we ourselves are living a story. We share our stories with others on a daily basis. What is AI’s role in telling our stories?

Does AI Do Good with Story or is that Better Left to People?

We as human beings are the ones who live the stories and then share them with others. And although AI is not human, it is trained with data from real live people. So it can arise in the creative process of developing a story: “To be AI or not to be AI, that is the question?”

A Spoonful of Sugar Makes the AI Go Down

AI is not always fun. But then for that matter many things are not always enjoyable when it comes to business. If you are an industry achiever, as in someone who has a successful business and is an expert in the sector of that company, you of course have an advantage. But even though you know your field well and use this knowledge and experience to make your entity soar, you may not always have the greatest time doing it. That is where the spoonful of sugar analogy might prove helpful. You can ask yourself a question. What is the spoonful of sugar I can use to make the task I face more pleasant?

Do You Need AI or Not?

You are an industry achiever. You are an expert in your field. You have a business that is doing well that is in the sector of your expertise. Nice. But do you need AI or not? To put it a bit more focused, what aspects of your business do you really need AI for? One way of looking at it is the human perspective. Consider the outcome you desire. Is it most effective being done by AI? Or is the human touch more powerful? Always involve a human being if you can.

AI is Magic, or is it?

AI is magic, or is it? AI is science of course, but what it can do can seem at times magical. The role that AI plays in the lives of people is undeniably expanding. Sometime consciously on the part of the individual and sometimes not. But regardless, it is impacting all of our lives either directly or indirectly.

AI is You in which Story is Key

One way of looking at the concept of AI is you, is that inevitably AI now plays a role in many of our lives either directly or indirectly. So much of the automation we interact with, often on a daily basis, is AI powered. So AI can seem at times to be large and overpowering. There is still something though that lots of us use, either consciously or unconsciously, that is bigger than AI. It is the fact that story is key in the lives of a large amount of human beings. And it has been since ancient times. Many of us cannot help ourselves but to integrate our stories into how we express our observations and opinions to others.

New York, NY, AI Do Good with Strategy Magic

Let’s face it, AI is making some sectors obsolete. That is the way of evolution, yes, but it also makes it necessary that those behind the development or market integration of AI stay on a path of AI do good.

Strategy Magic with AI to Market

Whether we as human beings think we believe in magic or not does not really matter. Or to put it another way, we believe in our own version of magic regardless. That is why strategy magic is so powerful, because whether you’re taking AI to market or whatever one’s industry offers, as long as one keys into that magic, one has a better shot at success.

Story is Key in Our Lives and Work

Story has been my thing since the very beginning. Even in my early years and was practicing another art form, I took a new approach and integrated storytelling into its presentation. Story allows one to look at good versus evil. It is an opportunity to do good by showing how the other path inevitably ends badly/

A Spoonful of Sugar Makes the AI Go Down

I recently became captivated with AI and its possibilities for doing good for humanity by integrating the telling of stories. My first inclination was toward AI helping to tell the stories, but have come to realize that actual human people do that best.

Personal Choice

Quite frankly, I believe AI is good for the corporate world as long as it is used responsibly, but as an artist, at least at the moment, do not feel it is as useful as I originally thought. Look at what has been showing up with artists potentially losing their jobs to it. For example, writers of stories and even those acting out those stories. Whether one needs AI or not is a personal choice. Whether you are a teller of stories or not, one’s own story is bigger than AI.