Documystery is a popular genre. Entertainment Creation And Leisure Development Project – A Unique Entertainment Creation and Internet Marketing Opportunity for Small Businesses.

It all starts with a documystery. How to Make a Documystery
And Use it To Promote Your Career and Business

Documysteries are easy to make and market because they have a “reality based feel” which means they can be filmed with a small HD camcorder or cell phone. Popular documysteries include “Blair Witch Project”, “Paranormal Entity” and “Murder Is Not Pretty”.

The video production, web design and search engine optimization company in New York City called Video Film Web Studios has a special educational division in conjunction with NYC AIM (New York City Apprenticeships in Media) in Manhattan.

So how do you make a documystery and in the process effectively promote your career or business?

Thanks to breakthroughs in digital media arts, the procedure is really quite simple and can be reduced to a system similar to one used on major motion pictures.

But it has a twist thatharnesses the power of video (online video campaigns), film (documystery internet episodically released feature film) plus web (web newspapers, magazines and broadcasts). That’s video, film and web!

Initially, let’s take a look at how the entertainment industry does it: 1. Development, 2. Pre-Production, 3. Production, 4. Post Production, 5. Marketing and distribution. Sounds like a lot, right? Now the good news, YOU can do the same thing but in  3 not 5 steps.

Here is the new “out of the box” business models for videofilmweb marketing that you can easily do yourself:

1.      VIDEO – Online Video Campaigns
Acquire the support of local businesses as sponsors of an event that launches the making of the documystery. The businesses will provide free gifts to be raffled at the event as well as will pay a reduced advertising fee in conjunction with receiving an online video campaign package that includes a video made for their business and other internet marketing and event promotion perks.

2.      FILM – Internet Episodic Feature Films and Shorts
The documystery at approximately 81 – 90 minutes is released both on the web episodically as well as into theaters (awards show strategy) and DVD (library collections and ecommerce). The difference between this phase and the marketing and distribution phase of the traditional entertainment industry business model, is that via sponsors’ involvement the property the film will have “already made its money back” before release because the sponsors receive their value up front in the form of publicity and advertising. Unlike movie investors who have been known to frequently lose their shirt.

3.      WEB – Web Newspapers, Magazines and Broadcasts
Sponsors of the project do not receive a percentage of the documystery, but following a business model more like television with commercials, the partners receive the benefits immediately of track-able results from their campaigns including new clients, referrals and testimonials – all of which customized media and internet marketing automates for them. And it is truly a win-win situation because these same campaigns ultimately promote not only the sponsors but also the documystery some of which may well have been shot on location in the businesses, or in its storyline integrates sponsors’ products and services.

So there you have it, a way to make a documystery that helps your business and career in the process. Get shooting!