Believe in Yourself

Belief in ourselves and our dreams is vital. There are many different ways to achieve this, and it is likely that you have come across some of them thus far in your lifetime, not matter what age you are. Think back to the time that you were most brave about your ideas. Maybe you now think that your prior confidence was ill founded, that you did not really have the knowledge and experience then to realize you were on the wrong path. Or were you?

Remember the Confidence

If you are in your 40’s you probably have memories of you being young and dumb and not knowing any better, yet you accomplished much in comparison to how you feel about yourself now. Even if you are only 22 and younger, you likely too can have had times that you think back on now, when you had more confidence in yourself. How do you get this back?

One Way to Believe in Yourself More

One way to get it back is to realize you are “you,” no matter how old you were then in comparison. Sometimes it can seem that being younger then was the reason people would listen to you more because of your age then. This brings to mind a hobby I had as a kid, that I fully intended to act on as an adult. Well time changed and other opportunities opened up so I left that dream and started another. And ironically all these years later I am returning to the practice of that hobby and am finding myself through doing it to remember how I once felt, to believe in myself.