Brian Quinn is nominated by Yianni Stamas
The nominations for Best Expert PIA keep coming in. Here is another one, this time it is for an expert in the area of Immediate Wildlife Control named Brian Quinn. What is meant by the term “Immediate Wildlife Control?” It is a profession in which a person has the expertise to safely and humanely remove […]
Alex Corrado is Sheeting Everywhere
My regular readers know that Alex Corrado has been nominated for the 2012 National Platinum Pias Awards for his spot filmed in Milan. And now he has come out with yet another promo bursting at the seams with creativity. If you’re reading this before January 31st be sure to “like” the video on Facebook. If […]
platinum pias nominees mount for best expert
This year the competition is going to be tough for the Best Expert Pia. As you may have heard through the Pias grapevine, Alan Lipman of Mr. Beauty has been nominated. Now on the roster is Angelo Alvarez who is the editor of Healthy Lifestyles News.
Countdown to the Platinum PIAs Awards by Yianni Stamas
It’s official, the countdown to the Platinum PIAs awards has begun. And first up for nomination is the host of the PIAs himself, Alex Corrado. Alex, seen here with Tracy Di Marco of the hit Bravo TV show “Jerseylicious” has been nominated for the Best Viral Video Award. This is because his video, a commercial […]
NYC AIM high by Yianni Stamas
NYC AIM high is both the slogan for NYC AIM as well as contains the name of the curriculum. The NYC AIM mantra and outlook starts with looking at your current situation and the environment you are in. Reading Reading is a big part of NYC, whether its is reading online or reading hard copy […]
Internet Publicity Training
Starting a business or embarking on a career? No matter what your dream –Internet Publicity Training can benefit you. And everything you need to know is available through searching Google. What is Internet Publicity Training? It is the training you need to use the internet to find a job or promote a business or even […]
Documystery is a popular genre
Documystery is a popular genre. Entertainment Creation And Leisure Development Project – A Unique Entertainment Creation and Internet Marketing Opportunity for Small Businesses. It all starts with a documystery. How to Make a Documystery And Use it To Promote Your Career and Business Documysteries are easy to make and market because they have a “reality […]
Google Offers
Have you tried Google Offers? There’s no question that programs like Google Offers are the present and future of advertising. If done correctly it can be a win-win for everyone. The consumer gets a discount and the vendor receives advertising. And if the vendor structures and plans their offer properly, including how to segue an […]
Adsense is an option
Adsense is an option for blogs, internet magazines and anyone with a website. Adsense communications are the ones that you see appearing online on various web pages. They are available through Google. You need a Gmail account to start.
writing an outline
Yesterday in a rather spontaneous fashion I ended up writing an outline for a stage play with my wife. One of the keys to an outline, though it is not entirely necessary, is to have your protagonist or central character go through some kind of psychological journey. Sometimes called moral flaw or Achilles heel, this […]